Friday, May 19, 2017

Itinerary Steps in the Pilgrimage

Artemis:Sacred Journeys
A society of High Priestesses. Who journey to Delos. Honoring the Ancient Goddesses in her new forms, roles, and manifestations.

Itinerary Steps in the Pilgrimage: Register HERE

Day 1 June 9th Friday/Arrival

Portal 1: Preparation and Entering the Sacred Temple

Arrive from Athens or Mykonos by ferry to the port of Tinos. You are greeted and transported to the Golden Beach Hotel, your Cycladic island oasis for an amazing week of discovery, empowerment, knowing, reclamation, and transformation. Today is a time acclimate to relax, BE, breathe, feel the elements, and connect with your Goddess Hive.The energy of land is palatable. Today is all about settling in and connecting the land.

  • Intention & Activate: Archetype of the Priestess and becoming a channel for the Oracle and the Muse.
6:00-8:30 pm
Drawing Down the Full Moon!! Moon Bathing!  Welcome Celebration & Art Ritual! Golden Beach. Opening our sacred circle.
  • Opening the Goddess Circle.
  • Welcome Dinner at Local Restaurant
  • Handout workbook
  • This first group will be the founders of the new Goddess Society of Delos

Transformative Goddess Art Ritual Workshop
  • Full Moon Intentions & Ritual Art Making (Letting go and Bringing in)
  • Creation: Who is Goddess: Clay Goddess's ~ self drying clay to be painted
  • Begin to make your own Dream Journal (Mixed Media collage)   Become to witness each other’s work night
  • Dream incubation ~ Sweet dreams
Day 2  June 10 Saturday.
Portal 2: Purification, Honor the sea Goddess Amphitrite, and Awaken the Temple within and without
  • Activate the Goddess: Archetype Amphitrite (Goddess of the Sea & a Nereid ~  sea nymphs (female spirits of sea waters)
  • Power Animal: The Dolphin ~ Dolphin energy to help open our hearts to receiving the universal love that is all around.
8:00 am Morning Stretch & Align Yoga Aegean Sea Meditation & Dolphin Breath work on the beach
9am Enjoy the hotels’ traditional Greek continental breakfast and dreamwork. Bring a dream to our breakfast table and we will all work it. (Guided)
9:30am Breakfast dreamwork ~ the group will work one person dream. Following Jeremy Taylor’s process.
10am - 12:30 pm  Morning pilgrimage to Kionia amphitrite site ceremony.(15 minute drive)
12:30 ~ 2:00PM  Lunch we will go to local Kionia Tavern.
Transformative Goddess Art Ritual Workshop: Before eating we will do a Creative Visualization, Creative writing, Art making (communing/experience with Amphitrite, the Aegean Sea, and the Dolphins)
2:30 Nap/meditation time. Greeks take a siesta during the afternoon. Most businesses are closed and reopen at 6pm or later.
4:00 - 6:30 pm  Transformative Goddess Art workshop
  • Elemental Mandala making.
  • Eco art offering to the Goddess of the sea with found natural objects.
  • Introduction to sacred sites of Delos preparing for tomorrow's pilgrimage.
  • Dream Incubation.
7:00 pm BBQ & Bonfire at the Golden Beach Hotel
Transformative Goddess Ritual
  • Bath in the Moon: Bonfire on the Beach at the Golden Beach Hotel
  • Burn bundles and place what you want to let of and burn in the fire
  • Make offering to the Goddess of the Sea.
  • Bonfire
Day 3 June 11 Sunday ~  Pilgrimage to Delos
Portal 3: Activate and Embody the Temple as we journey to the vortex of Delos (Birthplace of Artemis & Apollo)
  • Activate the Goddess: Archetype Artemis ~  Artemis is the Greek Goddess of the hunt, nature and birth.She is also described in Greek mythology as "Goddess of the night", "Lady of the Beast", "Woodland Goddess" and "Phoebe," which translates as the bright one.
  • Power Animal: Lion ~ The lion symbolizes strength, courage and leadership. In one word Dharma. The roar is considered as one of voices of Goddess. A lion's roar stops you, it is a terror that shakes you up and draws you into something beautiful
7:15 am - 7:45 am Morning Stretch & Align Yoga Aegean Sea Meditation & Lion’s Breath work on the beach
8:00 am Enjoy the hotels’ traditional Greek continental breakfast and dreamwork. Bring a dream to our breakfast table and we will all work it. (Guided)
After our breakfast at the hotel, we’ll begin our day trip to the islands of Delos and Mykonos.
9am Journey begins to Delos. We will take a boat from Tinos to Delos. We will pack a picnic for Delos for lunch.
We return by boat to Tinos in late afternoon.
Evening to absorb your experience, to reflect and journal about your Pilgrimage to Delos. Dialogue with Artemis.
8:00pm Dinner on your own or with the hive
Day 4: June 12 Monday.
Portal 4: Enter the Mystery & Becoming the Vessel–Mother Goddess Archetype (HERA)
  • Activate the Goddess: Archetype Hera ~ possesses an extroverted temperament and a focus on issue of outer world control/power. She represents goddess of marriage--concerned with partnership
  • Power Animal: Cow ~ is married to the concept of Mother Earth, and has been a symbol of fertility, nurturing, and power for centuries
8:00 am - 8: 45 am Morning Stretch & Align Yoga Aegean Sea Meditation & Breath work on the beach
9am Enjoy the hotels’ traditional Greek continental breakfast and dreamwork. Bring a dream to our breakfast table and we will all work it. (Guided)
9:30am Breakfast dreamwork ~ the group will work one person dream. Following Jeremy Taylor’s process.
10:00am- 12:30 pm After breakfast at the hotel, we’ll make our pilgrimage to Greece’s miracle healing church: Panagía Evangelístria tēs Tēnou, meaning The All-Holy Bringer of Good News..
  • Walk up the hill. Spirit of prostration. Open to Miracles.
  • Transformative Goddess Art workshop at the church. Guided visualization,Stream of Consciousness writing/sketching and Art ritual light a candle around Motherhood.
  • Purification: Baptism wish for miracle

Lunch: Church Street Restaurant

2:30 Nap/meditation time. Greeks take a siesta during the afternoon. Most businesses are closed and reopen at 6pm or later.
4:00 - 7:00 pm Body Mapping:Transformative Art workshop: Enter the Mystery &  Becoming the Vessel–Mother Goddess Archetype (HERA) Chakra Body Mapping. The Archetype Mother transformative art workshop Letting Go and Nurturing Yourself. Dream incubation
8:00pm Dinner on your own or with the hive
Day 5 June 13 Tuesday
Portal 5: Devotion to the Temple~ Being in Your Power- Warrior
  • Activate the Goddess: Archetype Artemis ~Artemis is the Greek Goddess of the hunt, nature and birth.She is also described in Greek mythology as "Goddess of the night", "Lady of the Beast", "Woodland Goddess" and "Phoebe," which translates as the bright one.
  • Power Animal: Snake ~ The snake animal meaning is powerfully connected to life force and primal energy. In many cultures, it is revered as a powerful totem representing the source of life. When the snake spirit animal appears in your life, it likely means that healing opportunities, change, important transitions, and increased energy are manifesting.
8:00 am - 8: 45 am Morning Stretch & Align Yoga Aegean Sea Meditation & Snake Breathwork on the beach
9am Enjoy the hotels’ traditional Greek continental breakfast and dreamwork. Bring a dream to our breakfast table and we will all work it. (Guided)
9:30am Breakfast dreamwork ~ the group will work one person dream. Following Jeremy Taylor’s process.
Beach Day ~ snorkling, sporty day
After breakfast we head out to visit to Vijali’s serpent carving at Livada beach. Vijali was a stone carver who circled the Mother Earth making sacred art for world peace. She carved a serpent into a rock on Tinos. We will celebrate the return of the serpent (sacred feminine Kundalini energy) with ceremony and dance.
Goddess Art Ritual: Rock shrine. You take spices, found objects, flowers,and create mandalas with them.
Lunch We’ll stop for lunch at a seaside taverna and wind our way back to our hotel for and afternoon siesta.
Open 4 or 5:00 - 8:00pm Watercolor: Transformative Art Workshop activating your Spiritual Warrior. 7 Chakra’s: This will be jumping off points for goals, visions, and kundalini activation. Each mandala will be a 7-minute gesture or vignette. Gesture drawing/ watercolor is work of art defined by rapid execution.
8:00pm Dinner on your own or with the hive
  • Day 6. June 14 Wed
Portal 6: Becoming the Temple ~ Be Your Light/Star ~
  • Activate the Goddess: Archetype Isis ~  Great Goddess, The Divine One and The One Who is All are a testament to the power and appeal of this Egyptian Goddess who had temples dedicated to her as far away as Britain.She was described as the Goddess of Magic, Great Lady of Magic and Lady of the Words of Power.
  • Power Animal: ~ Crab: fuel your curiosity on all levels. Exploration of the world around you leads to discovering new horizons and a vibrant life.
8:00 am - 8: 45 am Morning Stretch & Align Yoga Aegean Sea Meditation & Breathwork on the beach
9am Enjoy the hotels’ traditional Greek continental breakfast and dreamwork. Bring a dream to our breakfast table and we will all work it. (Guided)
9:30am Breakfast dreamwork ~ the group will work one person dream. Following Jeremy Taylor’s process.
10am - 2pm  Villacasto isis temple prayers and marble museum panormous lunch for sacred art visions
  • Transformative Goddess Art workshop at lunch: Creative writing and visualization.

2pm Lunch and nap/meditation time. Greeks take a siesta during the afternoon. Most businesses are closed and reopen at 6pm or later.
4:00-7:00 pm Transformative Goddess Art workshop. Be Your Light/Star ~WiseWoman/ ~free form on unstretched canvas with paint & mixed media. Music and dancing encouraged. Intuitive Painting and dancing. Be light, love, the star, and the ancient wise woman
  • Day 7. June 15, Thursday
Portal 7: Initiation Ritual ~  Walking the Talk –Lover -
  • Activate the Goddess: You
  • Power Animal: ~ Your own
8:00 am - 8: 45 am Morning Stretch & Align Yoga Aegean Sea Meditation & Breathwork on the beach
9am Enjoy the hotels’ traditional Greek continental breakfast and dreamwork. Bring a dream to our breakfast table and we will all work it. (Guided)
9:30am Breakfast dreamwork ~ the group will work one person dream. Following Jeremy Taylor’s process.
10am - 2pm  Celebration &  Initiation Ritual:Transformative Goddess Art workshop at Mary’s House. Walking the Talk –Lover -Making your Oracle Power Card. Create a card, the embodies all your strengths, your Goddess powers, your power animals, your power Earth spots (mountains, seas) and your elements.
2pm Mary House: Lunch and meditation time.
6pm Transformative Goddess Art workshop: Celebration continue Initiation rituals in sanctuary.Our last evening together. Each Goddess creates an installation with all their art, writings, and experiences. We honor each one and initiate each
Dinner: Salt Restaurant, Music & Dancing Celebration
Day 8. June 16 Friday Departure end by 10:00am
Portal 8: Closing the Circle Ritual/ Priestess/Oracle
8:00 am - 8: 45 am Morning Stretch & Align Yoga Aegean Sea Meditation & Breathwork on the beach
9am Enjoy the hotels’ traditional Greek continental breakfast and dreamwork. Bring a dream to our breakfast table and we will all work it. (Guided)
Closing the Circle:Immediately after breakfast we will gather one last time for our closing ceremony.
You will be transported back to the Port of Tinos to catch your ferry back to Athens or MYKONOS  and depart for home or your next adventure.  

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